I am passionate about safe sleep! Your little bundle of joy is so worth keeping safe! Here are some safe sleep tips to help your little one:
· Always place your baby on his or her back for every sleep time.
· Always use a firm sleep surface, such as a crib, pack and play, or bassinet. Car seats and other sitting devices are not recommended for routine sleep. Do not place baby on any soft surfaces like an adult bed or couch for sleeping. Wedges and positioners should not be used.
· The baby may sleep in the same room as the parents, but not in the same bed (room-sharing without bed-sharing).
· Keep loose items out of the crib. This includes pillows, blankets, soft objects like stuffed animals, and bumper pads. Also, do not place anything near or covering the infants head.
· Dress your baby in proper, tighter fitting sleep clothing appropriate for the weather.
· Do not smoke during pregnancy, after birth, or around your baby.
· Breastfeeding is recommended and is associated with a reduced risk of SIDS.
· Infants should be immunized and is associated with a reduced risk of SIDS.
· Offer a pacifier at naptime and bedtime.
· Supervised, awake tummy time is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly (flat head).
Follow the ABC’s of safe sleep. Alone, on their Back, and in their Crib!